Extensions for the K-Meleon browser





some xul(xpi) extensions were converted for better integration in K-Meleon. those extensions belong to their respective authors. no one in the K-Meleon community claims any rights to the converted extensions.

javascript and xul files that have been modified are in full compliance to the GPL terms and conditions and their license blocks were untouched.

extensions written specifically for K-Meleon, whether they are xul, autoit or c++ are released with their full source code.

all files hosted on this website are free from any malware or malicious scripts. some antiviruses report that some of the autoit extensions contain viruses or other malware. THESE ARE ALL FALSE POSTIVES. this is due that some antiviruses that are incapable of properly scanning UPX compressed binaries just flag anything they don't know as a virus. please see this link to understand about false positives : http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31975

if in doubt, you can use this link that properly detects malware: http://www.threatexpert.com/

if you have any problems with any of the extensions; then please report to the K-Meleon extensions thread for support.






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