K-Meleon Icons | |
Download MicroRSS | This is a javascript/XUL/HTML based RSS feed reader for K-Meleon. Version 1.6 |
Download Crypto | A very simple DOS32 console app that helps solve cryptograms. |
Download Integrating | Integr.exe is a DOS32 console program that computes integrals by recursive application of quadratic quadrature. Also get the Equat86 manual below. |
Download GraphShop | Graphing.exe is a DOS32 program that graphs rectangular, polar, parametric and 3D planar functions. This demonstrates the use of runtime function compilation, a "proprietary" 3D graphics engine, and handling of mouse and timer interrupts. Includes a short manual, also get the Equat86 manual below. Does not work on XP. |
Download DataShop | DataShop is a data analysis program with a minimal spreadsheet editor, multiple curve fitting options and FFT capability. It also has a file interface and saves screen images. Includes a short manual. Also get the Equat86 manual below. Does not work on XP. |
Download Equat86 Manual | This is the manual for the runtime function compiler used in the
Graphing, DataShop and Integrating programs above. The manual tells how
to specify functions to the unit. The Equat86 unit compiles functions to a very fast form for x86 processors. It is also flexible, with over 50 predefined functions, piecewise function definition, and many more features. |
09/19/2009 08:59:34
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