disrupted K-Meleon tools & stuff



profile backup-standard backs-up/restores the entire K-Meleon profiles folder.
profile backup-portable backs-up/restores the active profile folder.
K-Meleon restarter adds a menu entry to restart K-Meleon. (not to be used with km loader.exe.. check km super exit)
K-Meleon restarter-button same as above with addition of a toolbar button. (credits: desga for macro; unknown artist for icons)
K-Meleon wmp plugin-NT media plugin for playing embedded avi, mpeg, mp3, wav, au content.
K-Meleon wmp plugin-9x same as above for 9x systems.
K-Meleon text reader reads out selected text using speech recognition engine.
K-Meleon domain blocker-NT adds selected site in HOSTS file under local server. (block out)
K-Meleon domain blocker-9x same as above for 9x systems.
K-Meleon picmailer attaches an image into the message body. (requires outlook express to be default mail handler)
K-Meleon bookmarker sends website to GUL bookmark manager. (GUL included)
K-Meleon colour inverter inverts page colours to light or dark themes using user stylesheets. (for 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2 versions only)
K-Meleon extension converter converts firefox/mozilla *.xpi extensions to K-Meleon's port. (experimental)
K-Meleon MHT enabler enables saving and viewing MHT files. (web archives) -some features require the IEtab extension.
IEtab-run open local html file or internet shortcuts in K-Meleon IEtab extension. link to from folder options>file types.
IEtab extension port of firefox IEtab: sends page to internet explorer trident engine inside K-Meleon.
IP display + WHOIS query displays IP of a website and sends the URL to whois.com for additional information.
K-Meleon TVU plugin plugin for TVU streaming TV.
K-Meleon MOVE plugin plugin for MOVE streaming media.
K-Meleon privacy mode adds support for running another profile from the main profile. (please read the readme.txt file for instructions)
capture page as image adds support for capturing entire page or just portions in jpeg format. (utlisies nirsoft siteshoter and winsnap)
chatzilla ported firefox extension to K-Meleon. IRC client within your browser.
IE internet shortcuts forward passes internet shortcuts to IE when it isn't default. (link to from file types>internet shortcuts)
POP3 mail checker-NT checks your pop3 mail. utilises mirandaIM with the yamn plugin. (refer to readme for instructions)
POP3 mail checker-9x same as above for 9x systems.
IEkiller forwards urls to K-Meleon from pesky programs that insist on using IE. (refer to readme for instructions)
profile auto-restore detects corrupted profile and restores the profile from a previous backup. (source only-refer to readme for instructions)
K-Meleon Twitter adds support for twitter using miranda-im plugins. (refer to readme for instructions)
dailyG opens the daily garfield comic.
dailyG Plus extends dailyG by utlising gravityFX comix reader. (daily funnies)
World Cup 2010 extension to check sports events using a twitter widget.
Capitalist Informer real time stock market watch, company quote finder, stock ticker, investments calculator and a currency converter.
Mozilla Internet Dictionary ported extension. opens several dictionaries to choose from.
print image adds menu entry to print selected image from the context menu.
print selected text adds menu entry to print selected text unformatted directly without the print dialog.
trident print print in internet explorer trident style.
code tester tests selected code and script snippets on webpages.
grocery generator ported extension to generate grocery list and organise recipes.
CHM reader open chm files inside K-Meleon.
city livecam displays a window with city webcam. (please refer to readme on how to change city.)
K-Meleon twitbin ported extension. adds support to send and recieve 'tweets' through the twitter service.
km gspace ported extension. use your gmail account as a virtual HD.
periodic table opens periodic table window. includes a molecular calculator and a converter calculator.
K-Meleon locker locks K-meleon window and reactivates it when a predefined password is entered.
KMjpeg2000 adds native support for rendering jpeg2000 image formats(jp2, jpc). please follow readme for install instructions.
KM3Dview plugin for viewing 3d objects. supports 3ds, obj, wrl, off, gts, ply, vtk and x3d formats.
hellakommanda ported extension. download manager for hellakommanda nzb files.
KM Policies ported extension. similar to IE zones, adds zones to restrict or allow websites' content according to policies.
KMwbmp adds native support for rendering wbmp. please follow readme for install instructions.
KM international kb virtual keyboard, supports german, dutch, danish, czech, polish, greek, ukranian, spanish, russian, arabic and hebrew.
KM sms ported extension of sms monster. send sms messages for free.
KM oylem portal extension. socially discuss and share websites using the oylem webservice.
km qsl ported extension "quick shopping list". creates a shopping list tab to facilitate shopping online.
km fasterfox ported extension. GUI for advanced network settings.
img properties plus NT opens an extended image properties dialog with size in kb and exif information. (for windows 2000, xp, vista, 2003, 2007)
img properties plus 9x same as above for windows 98 and windows me.
extract favicon NT enables saving the favicon from websites. (for NT systems:2000, xp, vista etc)
extract favicon same as above for windows 98 and windows me.
km history manager ported extension "advanced history manager". enables deleting domain entries from history.
flash switcher switches flash player plugin between 3 versions. flash 8, 9, 10. 9x systems do support flash 10.
text archiver enables saving selected text in separate text files.
delete protocol enables deleting locally opened files from the urlbar by entering prefix "delete:"
nir cacheviewer locates the cache folder and sends it to nir's mozillacacheviewer (included).
cache size displays used cache size in a toolbar.
tinyurl plus NT generate tinyurl from entered address and automatically copies the short url to the clipboard.(for nt systems only)
tinyurl plus 98 same as above for win 9x systems.
auto tab-switcher switches to the next tab after a defined time interval and scrolls down pages automatically.
km defaulter checks if K-Meleon is default browser and prompts to make it default if it's not. (refer to readme for instructions)
invert colours plus invert page colours using stylesheets to dark or light themes. includes a colour-blind friendly theme. *
printify removes images and other elements and forces a black and white theme for better printing. *
input fields highlighter highlight input fields on form pages for better visibility. *
wmp plugin NT play embeded microsoft formats(wmv, wma, asx, asf, wax etc) with the windows media player plugin.
wmp plugin 98 same as above for 9x systems.
KMA web archive saves and opens *.kma (K-Meleon Mafuka Archive). 18 may '09: important bug fix for non-english OSes.
KMA viewer enables viewing kma files with internet explorer.
Memory manager checks memory usage and live memory monitor.
site checker NT checks if a site is down. NT version.
site checker 9x same as above for 9x systems.
constant IP displays website IP in the titlebar beside the page title. (credits: jamesD for original implementation)
km super exit adds menu to exit or restart km with the symbiotic loader(loader.exe) so changes to settings take place.
fastedit ported extension. simple xul script/text editor.
webbookmarker plus sharethis button extension. share sites with multiple social networks or send them by email.
km fireftp ported extension. ftp client within your browser.
km performancing ex-scribefire ported extension. publish or edit your blogs, add tags or insert images directly to your blog pages.**
edit protocol enables editing local html files in notepad by typing prefix "edit:" in the urlbar.
refcontrol ported extension by joykillr. extension to control site referers. (credits: joykillr)
igoogle sidebar ported extension. display your igoogle modules.
refspoof ported extension. spoof site referers directly from the urlbar with a special protocol.
downthemall (limited) ported extension. xul download manager.
xinha here! ported extension. full-featured wysiwyg html editor.

HOSTS manager-NT adds menu to open HOSTS file in notepad or editor of choice.
HOSTS manager-9x same as above for 9x systems.
worldtime adds menu to launch the worldtime map tool. (included)
magnifier adds menu to launch a magnifying glass tool. (included)
auto-completion auto-completes webforms from the context-menu.
CSS stylesheets controller disables or edits stylesheets on the fly.
web bookmarker adds websites to online bookmarking websites. supports: digg, facebook, google, reddit, delicious, stumbleupon, sharethis.
tinyURL generator generates tinyURL addresses from long urls.
open domain opens the domains of external file download links on download sites.
add feed sends rss feed url to newsfox feedreader.
lynx view macro sends page to yellowpipe.com which simulates viewing in lynx(text) browser.
plugins manager macro utilises NpChooser. (included)
view image:tab view image in tab instead of default new window.
openurl box adds menu under file menu to open an open box.
extra servers adds menu to access current page or selected link through coral CDN or view its archives when a site is down or dead.
edit image sends image to picture2life online editor for effects and easy share on social networking websites.
track pack package tracker by serial using google maps. supports DHL, FedEx, UPS, U.S. Post, Canada Postal service.
km anti-keylog utilises planetsoft anti-keylog and includes a virtual keyboard. useful when using possibly infected public computers.
special c enables IME input of special latin-based characters when using english-only keyboards.
print controller sends URL to printwhatyoulike.com service to modify page content for printing.
panzerpad opens a text input field in a frame.
panzerpad plus opens a richtext editor in a frame.
km firebug macro sends page to firebug webservice.
km nanny mimics firefox ssl pages.
links previewer preview links in a thumbnail bubble.
links revealer reveals links URL in a tooltip.
bbc weather check weather for cities using the bbc weather service.
forum search plus adds box to search K-Meleon forums with google.
nuke image removes selected image from the viewed page. * (credits: joykillr for macro)
km greenbits macro to launch geenbits youtube and streaming video downloader. (included)
agentswitcher plus automatically changes useragent to firefox with sites that block some features with default agent. (hotmail, facebook etc)


NOTE for extension packages that include components files; make sure to delete compreg.dat and xpti.dat from k-meleon\components folder.
? menu hover on a download link to reveal its menu access inside K-Meleon.
? 7z all packages utilise 7z compression. to install; just extract a package inside K-Meleon's folder, it will extract in the proper folders or create a folder if necessary.
? kmm to install a macro, save the macro file (*.kmm) in K-Meleon's macros folder.
? au3 use AutoIt3 to edit/compile source files.
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