Extensions for the K-Meleon browser




Privacy & Security enhanced privacy control
Feeds, Social & Blogging news & social-networking
Communication support for web services
Bookmarking & Archiving bookmark management & website archiving
Web Development web-developing & design
Network connection & protocol related
Enhancements advanced browser & site manipulation
Miscellaneous educational, entertainment, fun & games
Browser Plugins np plugins required by rich-content websites
K-Plugins special K-Meleon plugins


Communication Extensions



Web Bookmark | Web Bookmark Plus

use this extension to bookmark a website on online bookmarking websites or on social-networking sites. it supports digg, google, twitter, delicious, reddit and stumbleupon. also included is a sharethis 'shareaholic' entry to share with more websites or send the website in an email or sms.

menu entry: tools>web marker
extra notes: this extension comes in 2 versions. the plus version includes a toolbar button
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x



Jetable Email

use this extension to get a temporary dispensable email address with jetmail normally used in temporary logins required by some online news portals.

menu entry: mail & news>jetable email>
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x




send free sms messages from your browser.

menu entry: tools>web services>sms service
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x



Sports News

get up-to-date sports and football news from the bbc sports twitter service. updated for the world cup 2010, watch live streams of the world cup matches and other direct videos of major sports events.

menu entry: tools>world cup 2010
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x




an extension to get the lastest market news and includes a currency converter.

menu entry: tools>Finances
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x



World Time

uses an external application to display world time zones and international cities local time in a world map.

menu entry: tools>network tools>world time
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x -7x



Package Tracker

you can use this extension to track your package by its serial number until it arrives. this extension uses the google maps service.

menu entry: tools>web services>package tracker
extra notes: supported carriers are DHL, FedEx, UPS, U.S. Post, Canada Postal service. no longer supported or updated.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Print Control

printcontrol extensions sends the current page to printwhatyoulike.com service so you can modify the page content for printing.

menu entry: file>print controller
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Links Preview

with this extension you can preview the contents of a link before visiting it. the preview appears as a thumbnail snapshot of the page in a bubble.

menu entry: page context>extra services>activate previews
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



BBC Weather

enables checking current weather conditions and 5 day forecast for cities and airports using the bbc weather service.

menu entry: tools>web services>international weather
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Weatherman NT | Weatherman 9x

weatherman displays the current conditions of your configured city as a weather icon in your toolbar. additional info about lastest observations and temprature in celsius is displayed in a tooltip as you hover on the button. clicking the button will open an iframe with the 3 day forecast in the existing page. to set up a city, you need to enter a numerical code, a tutorial and a helper are included to find your city code.

menu entry: tools>weatherbar |toolbar button menu
extra notes: this extension has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS. no longer supported or updated.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Weatherman F NT | Weatherman F 9x

identical to the weatherman extension only it displays the temprature in fahrenheit instead of clesius. use this extension if your prefer fahrenheit.

menu entry: tools>weatherbar |toolbar button menu
extra notes: this extension has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS. no longer supported or updated.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



MET Office

for uk residents, the met office extension displays advanced weather and climate info from the people who know all about it. includes realtime satellite imagery, surface pressure charts, water tides and extreme weather warnings and alerts.

menu entry: tools>webservices>met office
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x




check a link or selected text(nonhyper) with for mirrors with the mirrorchecker service.

menu entry: link context>link services|selected text context>mirror checker
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Search Plus

adds extra features to K-Meleon's default search macro. options include easy categorising and sorting of search engines and displaying the search history in the search menu.

menu entry: - (replaces K-Meleon default search menu: tools, text context)+icon
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Plugins Checker

uses a mozilla online service to check if your plugins are up-to-date.

menu entry: help>check plugins
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x -7x



Google Trends

check website statistics with google trends.

menu entry: tools>web services>gtrends stats
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x





remove all graphics, remove unnecessary stuff,
apply print stylesheet, undo changes and send page to printer with 1 click.

menu entry: file>printliminator
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Quiet Tube

watch web videos without the comments and other clutter using the quietube service. Quietube.com currently supports YouTube, BBC iPlayer, Viddler, and Vimeo.

menu entry: link context>link servers>quietube watcher
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Quik-ultimate bookmarklet

Quix is a customizable command driven bookmarklet. It is basically a mixture of Ubiquity and Cybersearch.

menu entry: tools>web services>quix
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Files Finder

lets you search 22 free file hosters at once using google advanced search.

menu entry: tools>web services>files finder
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x



YouTube Services 2.0.2

collection of services to enhance youtube and other tube services. youtube services enables downloading youtube videos in various formats or converting them to audio files plus an option to enhance the youtube display. extra feature to override age verify login required for some videos.

menu entry: tools>youtube services>
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



URL Untiny

use this extension to get the original url from tiny type short urls

menu entry: link context>link services>link untiny
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Long URL

convert short urls back to their original long urls.

menu entry: link context>link servers>get long url
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Bit.ly IFrame

adds a bit.ly iframe to the current page to easily make short urls and share them with social network websites.

menu entry: link context>link servers>bitly service
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



TinyURL Generator

use this extension to generate tinyurls from long address. the generated tinyurl is automatically displayed inside K-Meleon

menu entry: tools>web services>make tinyurl
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



ShortURL Plus NT | ShortURL Plus 9x

this generates short urls from long addresses but instead of opening the generated tinyurl in a page; it displays it in a small band. this extension auto copies the short url to the clipboard to easily paste it in a forum or blog.

menu entry: tools>web services>get shorturl | page|link|image context>get shorturl
extra notes: this extension has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x



URL Parser

Parse, edit, decode end encode a URL via URLParser.com

menu entry: page context>extra services>URLParser + toolbar button
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



ImageShack Uploader

Upload an image to imageshack.us with ease and speed from image context menu (right-click).

menu entry: image context>upload to imageshack
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x




voice pronounciations for english words using the howjsay online service .

menu entry: selected text context>HowJSay pronounce
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Flash Video Downloader

uses an online service to download flash video files, supports many popular video sites.

menu entry: page|link context>extra|link services>flash video downloader +toolbar button.
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Content Downloader

uses an online service to extract and index all files from a website to easily view and download them.

menu entry: page|link context>extra|link services>view/download content
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



Gmail Text

sends selected text to your gmail account directly to message compose.

menu entry: selected text context>send by gmail
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x



TinEye Image Search

reverse image search with tinyeye.

menu entry: image context>tineye reversee
extra notes: -
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x



IMG Club

upload images to img club with ease.

menu entry: image context>imgclub upload
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



IMG Cafe

upload images to img cafe with ease.

menu entry: image context>imgcafe upload
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x




alerts you when the wait timer is up on file sharing sitesand initiates the download dialog. supports RapidShare.com, MegaUpload.com, FileSonic.com, SharingMatrix.com, and 4Shared.com (more coming soon).

menu entry: page context>autowait
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x




download videos from various video sites. supports 56.com, 5min, 6.cn, 9you, alCachondeo, Bebo, Blip.tv, Bofunk, BollywoodHungama, Break, BuzzHumor, Buzznet, Chilevision.cl, ClipFish.de, ClipLife.jp, ClipJunkie, Clipser, ClipShack, CollegeHumor, CrunchyRoll, Current, Dailymotion, dalealplay, Disclose.tv, DivXStage.net, DoubleAgent, eBaumsWorld, eHow, elRellano, elpolvorin, eSnips, ExpertVillage, Facebook, FairyShare, Flurl, FunForMobile, FunnyJunk, FunnyorDie, Glumbert, Google Video, Graspr, GreekTube.org, HowCast, HowStuffWorks, iShare.Rediff, Izlesene, Jokeroo, Kewego, ku6, Libero.it, LiveVideo, LiveLeak, MediaBum, Megavideo, Metacafe, MilkandCookies, Miloyski, Mojoflix, Mojvideo, MonkeySee, MusicMaza, Myspace, MyVideo.de, Newsy, NothingToxic, Novamov, own3D.tv, Pinkbike, Photobucket, PokerTube, PWNorDIE, RuTube.ru, RetroJunk, SantaBanta, Sevenload, Sina, Snotr, Spike, Stagevu, StreetFire.net, StupidVideos, SuperNovaTube, Tangle, TeacherTube, TheOnion, TinyPic, TipExhibit, TotallyCrap, TrailerAddict, Trilulilu.ro, tu.tv, Tudou, vbox7, VeeHD, Veoh, Videa.hu, VideoCopilot.net, VideoJug, Vidiac, Vidivodo, VideoWebTown, VidPK, ViKi, Vimeo, Vioku, VReel.net, WeJew, WeGame, WorldStarHipHop, Yahoo Videos, Yikers, Youku, YourFileHost, YouSportz, Youtube, YummyBun, Zoopy, zShare.net

menu entry: page|link context > extra|link services > nab it!
extra notes: no longer supported.
versions supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x -1.6.x



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