Almost packages contain its source. Guestbook is available to contact the author, or K-Meleon Forum is useful for about K-Meleon.
This page will be closed at end of Octobar 2010 for a reason that will stop the service, detail (Japanese).
This is yet another Macro Extension Plugin. This uses Lua, makes you may write macros by Lua language.
This plugin contains some commands to use in K-Meleon macro. (58k)
This plugin provides macro commands to run scheduled command. (13k)
This plugin provides "undo latest closed page" and "rewind" features. (19k)
This plugin is demonstration how to use mozilla's builtin spellchecker with K-Meleon. (33k)
This is prototype. This plugin shows host IP of seeing page on toolbar. (28k)
This is prototype. This plugin shows IP of your computer on toolbar. (54k)
This plugin contains some character code conversion commands to use in macro. (16k)
This is experimental plugin to solve a trouble that mouse wheel doesn't work with k-meleon. This plugin is unnecessary in most cases. (12k)
This package contains some addons and support scripts. This has currently common dialogs, user dialog and menu. (luamacro for k-meleon 1.1 has menu functions, then menu functions that this contains are obsoleted on 1.1 later). (115k)
This is pre-built binary package for convenience of K-Meleon users. The packager doesn't have any rights for this software. This is built with Lua 5.1.4. (41k)
This is study tool for Sudoku like puzzles. This has poor-looking UI and primitive generator that could create easy and low-quality puzzles.
This is computer version of Skeleton puzzle (a.k.a. Criss Cross, Fill-in crosswords, Kreuzgitter, crusadex or cruzadex) using number (a.k.a. numerical fill-in crosswords, nansuke). This has poor-looking UI and primitive generator that could create easy and low-quality puzzles. Makefile to build on linux is also included.
English manual. Japanese manual.
screenshot (3.7k, PNG) (185k)
This is a Flash of famous puzzle called tessellation or tiling. This generates easy and low-quality puzzles.
Play online (10k Flash)
Get archive with source (23k)
This is a Perl CGI program that counts visitors. (10k)
This is a very simple guestbook CGI program written by Perl. (8k)
This is a very simple link manager. This is Perl CGI program. (4k)
This is a very small cgi program that shows environment variable like printenv program. This is useful to check your browser settings. This code is below, this is a Perl program.
#!/usr/bin/perl binmode(STDOUT); print "Content-type: text/plain\nCache-Control: no-cache\n\n"; print "$key=$value\r\n" while (($key, $value) = each(%ENV));