Privacy & Security Extensions
AdBlockPlus |
a content-filter based extension to remove image or flash advertisements
from websites by using an up-to-date and constantly maintained
menu entry: tools>adblockplus |
extra notes: extension
uses components. please read FAQ for install
help. (for versions previous to K-Meleon 74) |
- 1.5.x versions |
version |
version |
version |
Web |
this extension enables prescanning of links with an online antivirus
service. use this extension when you want to visit a website and
not sure if its' content is safe.
menu entry: link context>link
advisors>drweb scanner |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7X |
Advisor |
this extension enables prescanning links or a url with mcafee's
online antivirus 'site advisor' to ensure the site doesn't contain
any malicious files or scripts.
menu entry: page|link
context>trust|link advisors>mcafee siteadvisor | tools>privacy>mcafee
siteadvisor |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7X |
Web |
this extension enables prescanning links or a url with norton's
online antivirus scanner to ensure the site doesn't contain any
malicious files or scripts.
menu entry: page|link
context>trust|link advisors>norton safeweb | tools>privacy>norton
safeweb |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7X |
Scan |
on online scanner to check links or entered url for all kinds
of vulnerabilities or malware through multiple databases like
phishtank, avg, site truth and google safe browsing.
menu entry: page|link
context>trust|link advisors>online linkscan| tools>privacy>online
linkscan |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7X |
NT | Anti-Phisher
9x |
easily check if a page or a link is a phishing scam from the
right-click menu. this extension uses the phishtank database to
check if a website is listed and verified as a phishing site.
menu entry: page|link
context>trust|link advisors>phishing checker |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7X |
Culler | Cookie
Culler Plus |
a cookie management extension. with cookieculler you have power
to secure certain cookies and protect them from being removed
while clearing the other cookies.
menu entry: tools>privacy>cookie
culler |
extra notes: plus version
includes a toolbar button |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Manager |
this extension gives you complete control over cookies, like
changing the expiration dates, you can also use it to add cookies
to K-Meleon.
menu entry: tools>privacy>cookies
manager |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Blocker |
with this extension you can easily and permanently block a website.
this extension gets the host of the website you want to block
and adds it to the HOSTS file under a local address. additionally
you can block a link domain and the domain for images.
menu entry: page context|link
context|image context> block domain |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Manager NT | Hosts
Manager 9x |
adds a menu entry to open your hosts file in notepad.
menu entry: tools>network
tools>manage hosts |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
whois displaybar |
enables fetching a site's ip and displays it in a non-intrusive
small bar. this extension includes a button that will open whois.com
with additon information about the selected site or link.
menu entry: link context|page
properties>display ip |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Mode |
enables browsing in privacymode with out browsing history stored
or files cached. first install will set privacymode and auto restart
menu entry: link context|tools>privacy
mode edit>config>update privacymode |
extra notes:- this extension
is no longer supported or updated. not available for 7x versions |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Killer |
sometimes some programs still insist on using IE even after you
have set K-Meleon as default browser. this extension replaces
the IE binary with a special exe that forwards links back to K-Meleon.
menu entry: - |
extra notes: to use this
extension properly, please make sure to read the readme file. |
versions supported: all |
Locker |
Locks the K-Meleon window untill a pre-set password is entered.
handy if you were browsing and had to leave for a short while
and don't want to close the K-Meleon window.
menu entry: file>lock
k-meleon |
extra notes: to use this
extension properly, please make sure to read the readme file. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Manager |
this enables creating different policies that are similar in
concept to IE security zones. you can disable some content like
javascript for a particular policy and add sites to it with secure
sites under another policy with more permissions.
menu entry: page|link
context>policies. tools>privacy>policies |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Packager |
easily export and import policy zones across different profiles
or different installations of k-meleon.
menu entry: tools>privacy>policies
packager |
extra notes: requires
policies manager extension |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x -7x |
History Manager |
this is an advanced history viewer which also enables removing
domain and subdomain entries from your browsing history while
leaving other history listings intact.
menu entry: view>history>history
manager |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Anti-Keylogger |
with the usage of an external application, this extension can
disable keyloggers which might be present on infected computers
in public places. very handy extension for portable K-Meleon versions.
menu entry: tools>anti
keylog |
extra notes: utilises
planetsoft's antikeylog application |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x -7x |
RefControl |
with refcontrol you can spoof all visited websites to use a different
referer or you can set a particular site to be always spoofed
with a bogus referer.
menu entry: tools>privacy>referers
control |
extra notes: no longer
supported. not available for 7x versions. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
RefSpoof |
similar in concept to refcontrol but with addition of protocols
to easily spoof websites from the urlbar by using prefixes 'spoof://'
and 'ref://'.
menu entry: tools>privacy>ref
spoofer |
extra notes: extension
uses components. please read FAQ for install
help. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Filter Proxy |
is a content filtering proxy to block offensive and non suitable
for children websites.
menu entry: tools>proxy>familyfilter
| tools>proxy>familyfilter config |page context>famfilter
blocker |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Filter Proxy 4 |
is a content filtering proxy to block offensive and non suitable
for children websites.
menu entry: tools>proxy>familyfilter
| tools>proxy>familyfilter config |page context>famfilter
blocker |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
Password |
some websites like yahoo and hotmail disable browsers from saving
the password in the password manager. this extension overrides
those sites and enables K-Meleon to remember the password to automatically
fill it in.
menu entry: text-input
context>enforce password |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Generator |
creates secure passwords using letters and numbers with options
to control the algorithm of the generated passwords.
menu entry: text-input
context|tools>web services>password generator |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Key |
quicky minimises all K-Meleon windows and spoofs their titlebar
text. the default spoof is 'consumer reports - microsoft word',
the user can change the titlebar text by editing an ini file 'titlespoof.ini'.
menu entry: - (activates
through key shortcut 'alt w') |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Link |
hide your private links by creating new short links, this is
useful when posting personal links on blogs or forums to file
downloads and you don't want bots sniffing out your links and
reduce bandwidth load on the hosting website.
menu entry: page context>link
services>protect link |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Parasites |
uses an online security service that helps reveal _hidden_illicit
content (parasites) that hackers insert into benign web pages
using various security holes.
menu entry: page|link
context > Trust|Link Advisors > Unmask Parasites |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
BugMeNot-Auto |
with bugmenotauto you can log in to websites seamlessly and without
the need to type or copy/paste passwords into pages
menu entry: text input
context>detect accounts |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x -7x |
Flash Cookies |
deletes the flash plugin cookies that have been created by swf
menu entry: tools>privacy>clear
data>clear flashcookies |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x -7x |
Exporter |
export and import passwords between k-meleon versions or other
gecko browsers.
menu entry: tools>privacy>password
exporter |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
retrieves your isp external ip address and displays it in K-Meleon
statusbar. this extension runs from a toolbar button.
menu entry: - (runs from
a toolbar button) |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Plus 3 NT | LiveIP
Plus 3 9x |
displays local machine live ip and domain ip in the statusbar.
additional options to display wan ip and domain country of origin.
easily enable or disable features from an options dialog, changes
take effect instantly.
menu entry: edit>configuration>liveip
plus |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x |
Plus 4 NT |
displays local machine live ip and domain ip in the statusbar.
additional options to display wan ip and domain country of origin.
easily enable or disable features from an options dialog, changes
take effect instantly.
menu entry: edit>configuration>liveip
plus |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.6.x
- 7x |
Domain NT | Map
Domain 9x |
override dns query by resolving websites ip address instantly
with this extension. map domain retrieves the website domain ip
and adds it to your hosts files to prevent dns querying, this
can be especially useful with websites where privacy is of great
concern, like online stores or banking since it will protect those
sites against dns poisoning and regardless of what happens to
the servers or on your computer, surfing to those sites is ensured
to open the proper target domains. the manage hosts extension
is bundled with this extension to enable easy edit of the hosts
file in notepad(tools>network tools>manage hosts). please
note domain mapping affects all browsers.
caution: this
extension is for advanced users only, incorrect domain mapping
may block out a website or open a wrong website
menu entry: page context>map
domain | edit>configuration>map domain alert |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Void |
Scan websites for viruses using urlvoid.com online service.
menu entry: page|link
context>trust|link advisors>url void|tools>privacy>url
void |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
KM-fSekrit |
intergrates fSekrit. fSekrit enables easy encryption of text
which is particularly useful for portable k-meleon when using
public computers
menu entry: selected
text context>send to fsekrit |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Cryptnote |
intergrates cryptnote. cryptnote enables easy encryption of text
menu entry: selected
text context>send to cryptnote |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Passwords |
unhides saved passwords behind form asterisks
menu entry: text input
context>reveal password |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
MailBox |
provides a dispensable mail address to protect your privacy and
avoid spam, supports various temp mail services including mailcatch,
mailinator, yopmail, humaility and mytrashmail.
menu entry: tools>mail
and news>temporary mailbox |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Search |
Search various malware related databases for selected text (mainly
for use with HijackThis logs).
menu entry: selected
text context>malware search |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Lite |
Adds LastPass AutoFill and AutoLogin into
menu entry: tools>lasspass
+toolbar button |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.x
- 1.6.x |
Flashmanager |
Manage flash player settings and view flash cookies and LSO easily
menu entry: tools>flash
manager |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Permissions |
similar to the policies manager with more advanced options which
enable complete control over site specific features, like css,
js, images and objects among other things.
menu entry: tools>permissions
| page context menu> site permissions |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
HeaderControl |
control headers sent to specific site like the user agent among
other features. this extension is a replacement for the now defunkt
auto agent switcher.
menu entry: tools>user
agent>hc options |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
XUL Manager |
control and manage access to remote xul.
menu entry: development>xul
manager |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
Cleaner |
Clear your form history from the tools menu.
menu entry: tools>privacy>clear
data> clear forms |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 75
- 76 |
Support |
Adds U2F authentication support for K-Meleon.
menu entry: - |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 75
- 76 |
UltraSurf |
Integrates Ultrasurf app into K-Meleon for free and easy web-censorship
and restrictions bypassing.
menu entry: pro>ultrasurf
+ toolbar button |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
kmTOR3 |
integrates and manages the tor network proxy for k-meleon. tor
is bundled with the extension and you need not download it from
tor project. includes an auto resolve option which automatically
runs the tor network when an onion domain is detected.
menu entry: tool>proxy>tor
network | tools>proxy>tor settings |
extra notes: this extension
is for k-meleon 7x and above. |
versions supported: 7x |