Enhancements Extensions
Spell Check
spell checks your spelling as you type.
misspelt words get highlighted with a red
underline, right clicking displays word
suggestions to choose from. supports many
entry: text-input context>spell check |
notes: extension uses components. please read FAQ for install help. |
supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x |
Spell Check
2 |
spell checks your spelling as you type. misspelt words get highlighted
with a red underline, right clicking displays word suggestions
to choose from. supports many languages/dictionaries.
menu entry: text-input
context>spell check |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.6.x |
K-Meleon Restart
| K-Meleon Restart Plus |
updated: K-Meleon restart adds a menu entry to
enable restarting the browser. support for
symbiotic loader(loader.exe) or regular. option
to automatically restore the last session after
entry: file>restart k-meleon |
edit>configuration>restart options>open
lastsession |
notes: this extension comes in 2 versions. the
plus version includes a toolbar button |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Profile Backup
backup and restore your profile directory with
this extension. also features backup options
like backing up bookmarks file or specific files
only in the profile directory.
entry: edit>configuration>profile backup |
notes: extension uses components. please read FAQ for install help. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Profiles Backup |
this is a non-xul profile backup and
restoration extension. easily backup and restore
your current profile or mulitple profiles,
supports portable versions. option to auto
backup on exit and auto restore if the profile
gets corrupted.
entry: edit>profiles backup |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
(outlook express) |
this extension attaches the selected image into
a message body to enable sending images from
websites with outlook express. update: support
for russian systems.
entry: image context>send image |
notes: requires outlook express to be default
mail client. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Image PropertiesPlus Basic |
displays an image properties dialog with size
in kb and additional information without EXIF
info. this edition is recommended for slow
entry: image context>img properties plus |
notes: this extension has 2 versions. download
the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Image PropertiesPlus NT
| Image PropertiesPlus
9x |
this extension displays additional information
about the selected image like EXIF info, size in
kb, copyrights and digital camera used.
entry: image context>img properties plus |
notes: this extension has 2 versions. download
the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Image Rotate |
enables rotating the selected image with
ability to save the rotated image. this can be
useful on album websites when users upload
flipped images directly from their digital
entry: image context>image rotate |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x |
Image Rotate 3 |
enables rotating the selected image. this can be useful on album
websites when users upload flipped images directly from their
digital cameras. update adds an option to mirror flip the selected
menu entry: image context>image
rotate |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.6.x
- 7x |
ImageTab |
opens the selected image in a tab instead of
opening in the default new window behaviour.
entry: image context>view image:tab |
notes: requires tabbed browsing to be enabled |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Nuke Image
removes the selected image from the page.
entry: image context>remove image |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Print Image
enables printing images from the context menu.
entry: image context>print image |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Print Text
enables printing the selected text directly
from the context menu.
entry: text-selection context>print selected
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Printify |
enforces a monotone colour scheme, removes
images and other page content elements for
better black & white printing.
entry: file>printify |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Trident Print
prints in IE trident style. useful when
printing non-standard compliant pages.
entry: file>trident print |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Invert Colours |
invert page colours using preconfigured
stylesheets to dark or light themes. includes a
colour-blind friendly theme. the extension also
enables the user to modify the colours according
to their personal preferences.
entry:File >invert colours |
extra notes: (not supported
by these versions: 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2) |
versions supported: 1.1.x,
1.5.3 - 1.6.x - 7x |
Magnifier |
launches a magnifying glass tool for better
accessibility features.
entry: tools>web services>magnifier |
notes: magnifying tool included with the
extension |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Reader 1.5.x-1.6.x | Text Reader 1.1.x |
using the speech recognition engine; this
extension will read out selected text with the
default TTS voice.
entry: text-selection context>read selected |
notes: this extension comes in 2 versions,
download the one that matches your kmeleon
version |
versions supported: 1.1.x
and 1.5.x -1.6x |
Fields Highlight |
an extension to highlight text-input fields on
forms for better visibility.
entry: page context>page
properties>highlight fields |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x,
1.5.3, 1.6.x - 7x |
Highlight All |
an extension to highlight all similar text or
phrase similar to the selected for quick search
on a page.
entry: selected text context>highlight all |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x,
1.5.3, 1.6.x - 7x |
Defaulter II |
defaulter2 checks if K-Meleon is your default
browser at startup and prompts to make it
default by registering internet protocols and
file types to K-Meleon if it isn't default.
update: support for vista/7. macro integration.
easily disable the browser check either from the
dialog itself or from k-meleon config menu.
entry: edit>configuration>defaultt check |
notes: requires version 1.5.3 or above |
versions supported: 1.5.3
- 1.6.x - 7x |
Auto Agentswitch |
this extension auto changes the K-Meleon
default useragent to firefox when a backwards
website with bad sniffers blocks out some
features that are supported by K-Meleon. the
extension compares website hosts against a
blacklist which can be edited to add more sites.
entry: tools>user agent>auto switch |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x |
Auto Tabswitch |
switches to the next tab after a defined time
interval and scrolls down pages automatically.
entry: view>tabs>auto switcher|tabbar
context>auto switcher |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
End Tabs LR |
Enables closing all previous or next tabs to
the currently focused tab.
entry: tab button context>close
antecedents|close subsequents |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.x
- 1.6.x - 7x |
Cache Usage
displays the used cache size in mb.
entry: edit>configuration>cache size |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Live Events
displays the macros called by all K-Meleon
entry: tools>development>km events viewer |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
WMP Activex |
enables activex for windows media player
required by some sites to playback wmp streaming
entry: tools>active x |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Stylish |
control websites visuals and content display
manner through custom css styelsheets for every
site. get styles there: http://userstyles.org/
entry: tools>stylish |
notes: extension uses components. please read FAQ for install help. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Stylish2 |
control websites visuals and content display manner through custom
css styelsheets for every site. get styles there: http://userstyles.org/
menu entry: tools>stylish |
extra notes: to initialise
the extension for the first time, you need to restart k-meleon manually. |
versions supported: 7x |
Kiosk Mode
enables opening the current page in kiosk mode.
entry: view>kiosk mode |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.x
-1.6.x - 7x |
Preferential |
a gui for advanced preferences(about:config).
entry: edit>configuration>extra config |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
K-Meleon Synchroniser
K-Meleon synchroniser enables synchronising
between different installations of K-Meleon on
networked computers or on portable devices. as
well as synchronising your macros, skins and
K-Meleon files; it will also update your profile
settings to the target install.
entry: tools>km synchroniser |
notes: can also be launched directly without the
need of the macro. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Scroll Restore
secure sites are normally not cached and due to
that when you restore a session with secure
sites the last scroll position is not remembered. scroll
restore enables K-Meleon to remember the scroll
position for non-cached secure pages.
entry: - |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Links Tabs
enables opening all links on the current page
in seperate tabs.
entry: tab button context>open all links |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.x
- 1.6.x - 7x |
FoolProof Terminator
some media plugins or very badly written
websites may cause the K-Meleon process to
linger even after being closed causing problems
when attempting to relaunch K-Meleon. foolproof
terminator ensures the K-Meleon process is
terminated only when it detects a problem; this
extension does not conflict with downloading
progress, the crash reporter plugin or with the
restart extension.
entry: - |
extra notes: no longer
supported. this extension does not work when the symbiotic loader
(loader.exe) is running |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Go to Top|Bottom |
quickly go to the top or bottom of a page with
this extension.
entry: tab button context>page top|page end |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Set as Wallpaper |
enables setting a web or local file as your
desktop paper right from the image context menu.
entry: image context>set as wallpaper |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Tab Close Button |
quickly toggle the tab close button on and off
with this extension.
entry:tab button context>enable x button |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.1
and above - 1.6.x - 7x |
KM Skin Changer |
using this extension you can easily make
K-Meleon alternate between 2 of your favourite
skins everytime K-Meleon is started.
entry: edit>configuration>skin switcher |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.1
and above - 1.6.x - 7x |
Tabbar Toggle |
easily hide and show your tabbar while in
fullscreen. this is handy when you prefer
fullscreen view without any bars but want to
switch to dofferent tabs without leaving
fullscreen mode. this extension only works when
your tabbar is viewed at the bottom and not at
the top.
entry: - (activates through key shortcut 'shift
h') |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.2
and above |
Page Direction
easily change the page direction to RTL or LTR.
entry: view>encoding |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Textise |
textise transforms any webpage into text only
by removing all tables and images. easy read and
better visibility for websites with a lot to
entry: view>text mode | link context>text
mode |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Control |
enable and disable the screensaver easily from
within kmeleon when watching long online videos.
the screensaver is auto enabled when kmeleon
entry: edit>configuration>saver control |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Edit Page |
transforms k-meleon into a simple html editor.
with this extension you can remove or resize
images or modify the page text. handy for better
display/layout or before printing or just for
entry: edit>edit page |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Styles-Extreme |
quickly modify the font and colours of a
webpage for better readability or according to
personal preferences. can also hide
background-images, highlight links and indicate
most missing images if they show no icons. each
style with own (optional) toolbar button.
special menus and help-file to facilitate style-
and button-customizing for beginners.
Extra: Includes optionally an editor
(SciTE) with syntax highlighting to easier
manipulate own custom styles.
entry:view|page contextmenu >Style Buttons -
toolbar buttons (optional) |
notes: special editor (optional) help |
versions supported: 1.5.x
- 1.6.x - 7x |
similar to the linux systems function,
autoclipopy enables k-meleon auto copying
selected text without intervention from the user
entry: edit>configuration>activate
autoclip |
extra notes: no longer
supported |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
KM Accelerators
opens a small search bar on text selection with
8 preconfigured search engines. user can modify
the search engines by editing a configuration
file. to activate; drag your mouse cursor along
a text selection. km accelerators can be
disabled from the configuration menu
entry:edit>configuration>km accelerators |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
AutoScroller |
smoothly and slowly scrolls the page for easy
read of long web documents
entry: tab button context>auto scroll |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Text Form Resizer |
enables resizing input & text forms.
entry: text-input context>resize form |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Tidy Read |
uses and online service for reading online
documents or articles in a special eye-friendly
mode. please note, this extension is for
articles only and not for news front pages with
several divs
entry: view>read mode |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
SiteFlow |
siteFlow turns websites which have pagination
(previous/next) navigation into slides
entry: view>Site-Flow |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
TS-wincontrols |
hides the titlebar and adds additional buttons as a toolbar to
easily control your kmeleon window. the buttons include a move
button which enables dragging the window around with your mouse.
additionally the extension adds a mouse hook that enables moving
the kmeleon window from any location by pressing the caps lock
key and click and hold the mouse left button. see the readme for
more instructions
entry: view>title bar |
notes: this extension will not work with any
kmeleon prior to 1.5.4 |
versions supported: 1.5.4
only |
TS-wincontrols 1.6 |
hides the titlebar and adds additional buttons as a toolbar
to easily control your kmeleon window. the buttons include a move
button which enables dragging the window around with your mouse.
this version for k-meleon 1.6 does not include a mousehook for
moving windows as you can easily move the window in 1.6.x versions
by clicking and holding the mouse left button on an empty space
in the tabbar
menu entry: view>title
bar |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.6.x |
TS-wincontrols 3 |
hides the titlebar and adds additional buttons as a toolbar
to easily control your kmeleon window. the buttons include a move
button which enables dragging the window around with your mouse.
this version for k-meleon 1.6 does not include a mousehook for
moving windows as you can easily move the window in 1.6.x versions
by clicking and holding the mouse left button on an empty space
in the tabbar
menu entry: view>title
bar |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
| KSM 9x |
k-meleon skins manager enables easy installing
and uninstalling of skins, includes a skin
preview and a skinswitcher feature which
alternates between 2 skins.
entry: tools>skins manager |
notes: this extension has 2 versions. download
the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x |
k-meleon skins manager for 1.6 enables easy installing and uninstalling
of skins, includes a skin preview and a skinswitcher feature which
alternates between 2 skins.
menu entry: tools>skins
manager |
extra notes: this extension
is available for NT-based systems only |
versions supported: 1.6.x |
KM Sound Events |
with km sound events you can enable sound
alerts when navigation starts or when it ends.
entry: edit>configuration>sound events |
notes: - |
versions supported:1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Mediabar MFE NT
| Mediabar MFE 9x |
mediabar enables listening to local audio files
or playlists and online radio streams as an MCI
front-end in k-meleon. this version is for
k-meleon 1.5.4 and above versions only. you can
additionally manipulate the mediabar at the
bottom by following instructions in an included
readme file.
entry: tools>media services |
notes: this extension has 2 versions. download
the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.5.4
- 1.6.x - 7x |
Find Plus |
find in page plus extends the normal find in
page with more options as well as being more
visually apparent for finding words as the
entire page gets dimmed leaving the query words
entry: edit>find in page plus |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Simple forms
a simple macro-based forms filler from the
context menu.
entry: text-input context>autofill |
notes: user needs to edit macro manually to add
the personal info that will be inserted into
forms. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Autofill Forms
advanced forms fillers with ability to fill out sensitive data
forms like bank accounts and credit card information. a password
can be assigned to protect your data. supports multiple profile
or single(portable) profile. update includes support for simple
flash logins.
entry: tools>auto fill
|text-input context>autofill forms|anonymous
fill (+toolbar button) |
notes: after installing, go right to
tools>autofill configuration to set it up |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Drag n Scroll |
easily scroll by left clicking your mouse and
grabing similar to pdf viewers. handy for
notebook and touchpad users where a regular
mouse may not be available.
entry: page
context>drag n scroll (accelerator: alt x) |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Search Preview
adds an image preview(thumbnail) to google and
yahoo search results.
entry: tools>web search>preview |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Image Options
easily toggle image options from the config
menu. includes option to load images from the
original website while blocking external images
entry: edit>configuration>image options |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
NT | TabsViewer 9x (experimental) |
view opened tabs in a treeview sidebar.
alternate tabs by clicking on their entry. experimental
extension, provided for testing and feedback
entry: view>tabs>viewer |
extra notes: no longer
supported. this extension has 2 versions. download the one that
matches your OS |
supported: 1.5.x |
Flash Resizer
resize any flash content and move them around
entry: page context>page properties>resize
flash |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Character Count
displays the number of input characters
entered in forms or text areas
entry: text-input context>auto
counter|character count |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Font Toggler
Font Toggler allows you to switch between
viewing a webpage with your font customizations
and the webpage author's specified fonts so you
can quickly see how the page was meant to be
entry: view>fonts + toolbar button |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Linkify |
automatically converts href txt into clickable
entry: - |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Readability 1.0.1 |
is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web
more enjoyable by removing the clutter around
what you're reading. Left-Click the
toolbar/button to view text through Readability.
Right-Click the button to configure the style.
Also available via the context menu and the View
menu. Javascript required.
entry: view>readability (includes toolbar
button) |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Readable 1.0 |
Readable is the most customizable online
solution for manipulating web content and making
it readable. It transforms text on any website
using fonts, colors, and layouts of your
choosing. Left-click the toolbar/button to view
text through Readable. Right-click the button to
customize the style. Also available via the
context menu and the View menu. Javascript
entry: view>readable (includes toolbar
button) |
extra notes: no longer
supported. -Customizations are updated on the fly, so activate Readable
on a web page then right-click the button to access the options
and see the changes immediately. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Tab All Windows |
Along with popup windows, links meant to open
a new window and URLs passed from external
applications, Tab All Windows opens all
non-modal & non-kplugin K-Meleon generated
windows in tabs.
entry: - |
notes: - |
supported: 1.1.x - 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Open in Same
adds an option to force links that open in new tabs or new windows
to open in the current tab
entry: link context>open in same tab |
notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Zoom |
adds additional zooming control, ability to reset zooming.
menu entry: view>zoom |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.x
- 1.6.x |
Facebook Comment
button |
adds a comment button to facebook comment inputs, essential
for k-meleon 1.5.x and 1.1.x where enter on comments fails to
add new comments and can also be used on k-meleon 1.6.x to add
paragraph carriages.
menu entry: input context>facebook
comment |
extra notes: auto loads
on facebook domains plus a context menu to trigger manually |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Facebook Viewer
Fix |
restores the old photo album viewer on facebook pages, essential
for k-meleon 1.5.x and 1.1.x where the new theatre viewer closes
in gecko 1.8, can also be used on k-meleon 1.6.x if you prefer
the old album viewer.
menu entry: image context>fb
viewer fix |
extra notes: auto loads
on facebook domains plus a context menu to trigger manually |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Scrollbar positioner |
easily toggle the scrollbar to the right or left. handy for
left-handed people.
menu entry: view>scrollbar> |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.6.x
- 7x |
Page Rotator |
rotate page sideways or upside down.
menu entry: edit>page
rotator |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.6.x
- 7x |
Image Operations |
Perform various actions from image context menu (right-click)
. includes advanced features like editing & coversion tools.
menu entry: image context>image
operations> |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Dublicate Tab |
offers a menu command to dublicate tabs.
menu entry: tab button
context>dublicate tab |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.5.x
- 1.6.x - 7x |
MIME Editor
7x |
mime editor for 7x versions.
menu entry: tools>preferences>mime
editor |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
Youtube Flash
Video |
Force youtube to use the flash plugin and easily toggle between
flash and HTML5 video players. Access options from the about:addons
page, select extensions and click on the extension's options to
toggle default video player.
menu entry: - |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
about:me |
Graphic history statistics. access by typing about:me in the
menu entry: - |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |
HTML5disable |
html5disable (button to switch off HTML5 media)
menu entry: tools>disable
html5 media |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |