Extensions for the K-Meleon browser




Privacy & Security enhanced privacy control
Feeds, Social & Blogging news & social-networking
Communication support for web services
Bookmarking & Archiving bookmark management & website archiving
Web Development web-developing & design
Network connection & protocol related
Enhancements advanced browser & site manipulation
Miscellaneous educational, entertainment, fun & games
Browser Plugins np plugins required by rich-content websites
K-Plugins special K-Meleon plugins


Browser Plugins



np Default PRO follow readme for install instructions

replaces the default plugins parser to display better informative data and choice to download the file instead of 'missing plugin' when a plugin is not available or installed.

formats: -



windows media player plugin for playback of streaming ms formats

formats: asf, asx, wm, wma, wax, wmv, wvx



special windows media player plugin for multiple media formats

formats(NT version): avi, mpg, mp3, au, wav, aiff, mp4, m4a, vp6, vp3, ape, swa, mac, mid, kar
formats(9x version): avi, mpg, mp3, wav, mid
N.B: NT version requires 2000 and above with wmp 9 installed. 9x version is universal and supports NT4 ^ win 2000 as well as 9x OSes(95, 98, me)


Flash Player

flash plugin version 10. please note this is a patched release npswf32.dll which enables embedded videos to be saved in your temp folder instead of deleting them after a video has finished playing; those videos will have a *.tmp extension. copy them from your temp folder to another folder and rename the extension from tmp to flv or mp4. patched dll courtesy of andy robinson from ferretsoft. see the flash video saver extension on network page on how to locate and save those tmp files.

formats: swf


Flash Player (9x)

last working flash10 for windows 9x, if that version doesn't work on your system; please use the flash9 version below. please note this is a patched release npswf32.dll which enables embedded videos to be saved in your temp folder instead of deleting them after a video has finished playing; those videos will have a *.tmp extension. copy them from your temp folder to another folder and rename the extension from tmp to flv or mp4. patched dll courtesy of andy robinson from ferretsoft. see the flash video saver extension on network page on how to locate and save those tmp files.

formats: swf


Flash Player (9x)

flash9 for windows 9x. please note this is a patched release npswf32.dll which enables embedded videos to be saved in your temp folder instead of deleting them after a video has finished playing; those videos will have a *.tmp extension. copy them from your temp folder to another folder and rename the extension from tmp to flv or mp4. patched dll courtesy of andy robinson from ferretsoft. see the flash video saver extension on network page on how to locate and save those tmp files.

formats: swf


Google audio/video chat

the np plugin enables google video and audio chat on google websites like gmail. to ensure that the plugin will work properly, first install google vidoe chat support from this link:http://www.google.com/chat/video . extract npgoogletalk.dll in your k-meleon\plugins folder. restart k-meleon or refresh your plugins(about:plugins)



Alternative RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect

support for streaming real formats playback

formats: ra, ram, rm, rpm


KM TVU plugin uses components. please read FAQ for install help. tvu plgin must be installed from their website

tvu streaming media

formats: tvu


MOVE MEDIA plugin uses components. please read FAQ for install help

move streaming media

formats: qmx, qpl


KM JPG2000 plugin uses components. please read FAQ for install help

adds native support for rendering jpg2000 image formats

formats: jpc, jpg2


KM WBMP plugin uses components. please read FAQ for install help

adds native support for rendering wbmp image formats

formats: wbmp


KM 3D plugin uses components. please read FAQ for install help

adds native support for rendering 3d objects

formats: 3ds, obj, wrl, off, gts, ply, vtk , x3d


tiff images formats: altif, tif, tiff


animated png formats: mng
MOD module trackers formats: mod, s3m, med, xm, it, mdz, itz, xmz, s3z
MusicNotes digitalsheets music formats: mtd, mgt
TurnerMedia turner streams formats: pipeline
ToolVox Player voxware audio formats: vox
TS Audio ts audio streams formats: tsi
SCREAM scream media formats: nmz
ECHOspeech echo radio streams formats: es
BAMBA media bamba streams formats: iba
STsound stsound music formats: ym
Headspace Beatnik beatnik audio formats: rmf
YAMAHA sound vq audio formats: vqe
KOAN Audio koan audio share formats: formats: skp, skd, skt, skm
Axel Player axel audio formats: axs
DivX web Player divx video streams formats: divx, div
Flatland Rover flatland 3dml formats: 3dml
Morgan Multimedia jpeg2000 support formats: jp2, jpx, j2c
TurnTool XPCOM xpcom tnt formats: tnt
HD View ms panorama formats: hds
Winds3D winds 3d objects formats: aw3
MeadCo's Neptune windows update ax formats: ax
TCL tcl/tk applications formats: tcl
Altia Design altia interior images formats: dsn
LiveMath livemath notebook formats: thp
RapidPlayerV30 rapid streams formats: rbx,rpr,exm,rpe
Cult 3D cult 3d presentations formats: co
Cortona VRML cortona 3d formats: vrl, vrml, wrz
SIDplug sid tunes formats: sid
IBM AFP ibm images formats: afp
Blender 3D blender projects formats: blend
Intertrust Redemption intertrust spop formats: spop
Eri-Chan entis raster formats: eri
iPIX internetcorp images formats: ipx, ips, bub, aut
Cow Viewer chem equations formats: cow
Ulead Cool360 ulead presentations formats: uvr
Int Psychology Lab ipl analysis formats: seq
XIF xif images formats: xif
StreamWorks streamworks media formats: xsm
Xara Graphic xara images formats: xara, web
Stereolithography litho charts formats: sla, stl, sol, igt, 3ds, sma
PanoramIX surround images formats: svh, svj, pan
AnimaFlex rubberflex images formats: afl
JCAMP molecular images formats: jdx, dx
Freehand Graphics freehand embed formats: fhc, fh4, fh5, fh7
iCHAT ichat control formats: chat
Sizzler sprite images formats: spr, sprite
Chemscape CHIME science gaussian formats: mol, pdb, emb, xyz, gau, mop, spt, csm
ASAP WebShow asap presentations formats: asp
SVF simple vector formats: svf
Wave Image wavelet images formats: wi
Formula One f1 workbook formats: vts
Hypercosm 3D hypercosm images formats: hcvm
Yahoo Status yim id state formats: -
FIF fractal images formats: fif
Corel Draw corel 3d formats: cmx
mBED mbedlet app formats: mbd
MIO plugin MIO audio formats: mio