Bookmarking & Archiving Extensions
Integrated |
this extension makes it very easy to bookmark with the GUL bookmark
manager. just select the current page and it's automatically added
to the preconfigured folder in GUL
menu entry: page context>bookmarker|bookmark
plus |
extra notes: gul bookmark
manager is included |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Bookmark | Web
Bookmark Plus |
use this extension to bookmark a website on online bookmarking
websites or on social-networking sites. it supports digg, google,
twitter, delicious, reddit and stumbleupon. also included is a
sharethis 'shareaholic' entry to share with more websites or send
the website in an email or sms.
menu entry: tools>web
services>web marker |
extra notes: this extension
comes in 2 versions. the plus version includes a toolbar button |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Note |
quicknote is an extension that enables archiving whole pages
or just portions of text in preconfigured text files.
menu entry: tools>quick
note|page context|text-selection context>quick note |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Archiver |
this extension is similar in concept to quicknote but differs
in execution. text archiver enables saving selected text into
individual files with option to select the destination name and
menu entry: text-selection
context>archive text |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Editor |
enables editing text from text fileds like forums in notepad2
which is included. the edited text is automatically pasted in
the text field after notepad2 has been closed
menu entry: text input
context>archive edit |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Service |
mht service enables saving webpages into single web archive format
mht. reading mht files is made possible through the ietab extension
which is included
menu entry: file>mht
service |
extra notes: ietab extension
is included to enable mht read. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x |
Service 2 |
mht service enables saving webpages into single web archive format
mht. reading mht files is made possible through the ietab extension
which is included
menu entry: file>mht
service |
extra notes: coralietab
extension is included to enable mht read. for 1.6.x only |
versions supported: 1.6.x |
Service 3 |
mht service enables saving webpages into single web archive format
mht. reading mht files is made possible through the ietab extension
which is included
menu entry: file>mht
service |
extra notes: ietab extension
is included to enable mht read. this version is for 7x only. |
versions supported: 7x |
Service |
kma or K-Meleon Mafuka Archive is a single page archive format
using 7-z compression. the kma service extension enables saving
and opening kma files.
menu entry:file>kma
service |
extra notes: |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Service |
enables saving webpages in the phf single archive format . the
phf format writes the media content such as images within the
code so that this content becomes embedded inside the page.
menu entry:file>save
as phf |
extra notes: |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Viewer |
as a supplement binary to the kma service extension; kma viewer
enables opening kma files in internet explorer which can be useful
when you want to view or share kma files on computers where K-Meleon
may not be available. the kma viewer supports command line parameters
so it can also be executed from the context menu of kma files.
menu entry: - |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Converter |
easily convert pages and links into pdf (single-page archive)
using a reliable online service.
menu entry:tools>web
services>pdf converter - link context>web document>convert
to pdf- edit>convert to pdf |
extra notes: |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
All Tabs |
is a macro-based extension to enable saving all currently opened
tabs from the file menu.
menu entry: file>save
all tabs |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Dir |
this extension adds menu commands to easily open file save and
download directories.
menu entry: edit>configuration>open
saved dir|open download dir |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Reader |
chmreader enables opening and viewing local chm helpfiles directly
into kmeleon. this can be useful if you don't have an installed
help viewer application or prefer the rendering engine of gecko
over trident to open these files.
menu entry: file>open
chm |
extra notes: extension
uses components. please read FAQ for install
help. no longer supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x |
Reader 2 |
chmreader enables opening and viewing local chm helpfiles directly
into kmeleon. this can be useful if you don't have an installed
help viewer application or prefer the rendering engine of gecko
over trident to open these files.
menu entry: file>open
chm |
extra notes: extension
uses components. please read FAQ for install
help. for km 1.6.x only. no longer supported. |
versions supported: 1.6.x |
History Manager |
this is an advanced history viewer which also enables removing
domain and subdomain entries from your browsing history while
leaving other history listings intact. this extension also enables
keyword search inside your history.
menu entry: view>history>history
manager |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
AM-deadlink |
integrates am-deadlinks which checks for valid and deadlinks
in kmeleon bookmarks or favourites
menu entry: tools>bookmarks
check |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Docs |
view PDF, PPT and TIFF files online without leaving your browser
using the google docs online service
menu entry: link context>web
document>google viewer |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Viewer |
With [viewer.zoho.com] you can view documents (.pdf, .doc, .docx,
.rtf, .odt, .sxw), spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx, .csv, .ods, .sxc)
and presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .odp, .sxi) online without
leaving your browser. Right click link and select "Open in
Zoho Viewer"
menu entry: link context>web
document>zoho docviewer |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
ViewDocsOnline |
With [viewdocsonline] service you can view documents (.pdf, .doc,
.docx, .rtf, .odt, .odp, .sxw, .sxi), spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx,
.csv, .ods, .sxc),and presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .odp,
.sxi) online without leaving your browser. Right click link and
select "view docs online"
menu entry: link context>web
document>online docview |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Zipper |
Page Zipper automatically searches through the page for a "Next"
link. automatically adds forward and previous buttons to the page
menu entry: page context>extra
services>page zipper |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Combo |
adds extra functions to favourites, like creating subfolders
and renaming the favourite also includes a reload menu to refresh
the favourites menu and favouritesbar
menu entry: favorites>rename-add
| page context>rename add to favs | help>fracombo help |
extra notes: requires
the favorites plugin to be enabled |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Plus NT | FavAdd
Plus 9x |
similar to favrenadd in concept but written in autoit. adds same
featrures as favrenadd like creating favourites and subfolders
and additionally you can edit the url for the favourite. favadd
plus automatically refreshes the favourites menu and bar.
menu entry:favorites>favsadd
plus | page |link context>add to favorites as |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Later |
archives websites using an online service so it can be read at
another time
menu entry: page context>extra
services>read later (+toolbar button) |
extra notes: requires
an account with http://www.instapaper.com/.
no longer supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Dial |
create a homepage with 12 websites with thumbnails
menu entry: view>home>|
home button context |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
NT | multipagine4
9x |
similar to speeddial but generates thumbnails locally to create
a homepage with thumbnailed access. supports up to 18 websites
with perma-links to popular social websites.
menu entry: view>home>|
home button context |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS. no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Image Save NT |Quick
Image Save 9x |
save your images with one click without the need for the file
save prompt. the images are automatically saved in your k-meleon
save directory and additionally a status message will display
on the location where the image was saved to. quick image save
will also generate random number prefix if it detects a file with
the same name so it never overwrites your existing images.
menu entry: image context>save
image |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
to Text (experimental) |
using OCR technology you can save images in text formats with
this extension provided that the original images are scans of
documents or other text-material.
menu entry: image context>save
as text |
extra notes: no longer
supported |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Backstreet |
archive and manage entire websites or just extract certain pages
or files through filters, add comments and read later at your
menu entry: tools>network
tools>backstreet |
extra notes: uses the
backstreet program(included).
no longer supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Web2PDF |
Convert webpages into PDF documents. This extension uses web2pdfconvert.com
menu entry: page context>extra
services>save as pdf | link context>web document>save as
pdf |file>save as pdf +toolbar button |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Groups2-0.67 |
similar to sessions, save entire websites as groups and restore
them with one click. groups adds the advantage of preserving your
already existing tabs when a group is opened.
menu entry: mainbar>groups |
extra notes: -not compatible
with versions below 1.5.3. no longer supported. |
versions supported: 1.5.3
- 1.6.x |
Viewer |
View pdf, doc, xls, txt, ps, and ppt files online with scribd.com
menu entry: link context>web
document>scribd viewer |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Bookmarks Importer NT |
KM Bookmarks Importer 9x |
easily import bookmarks from other gecko browsers or any browser
than uses the netscape html bookmarking system.
menu entry: bookmarks>bookmarks
importer |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x - 7x |
Backup |
easily backup and restore your bookmarks.
menu entry: bookmarks>bookmarks
backup> |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Spiderzilla |
integrates spiderzilla with k-meleon to enable extracting files
from a website.
menu entry: tools>spiderzilla|page
context>extra services>spiderzilla |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Note4me |
easily archive text into a single text file
menu entry: selected
text context>sendto note4me |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
ScrapBook |
archives websites and manages your collections
menu entry: tools>scrapbook
| pagecontext>scrapbook site + toolbar button |
extra notes: no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
Web Archiver |
integrates local web archiver in K-Meleon, easily add websites
and manage your LWA collections
menu entry: tools>lwa
archiver | pagecontext>lwa archive |
extra notes: portable
lite edition of local web archiver is included |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Archiver |
integrates winhttrack, extrack complete websites and manage your
archived collections
menu entry: tools>winhttrack
| pagecontext>winhttrack |
extra notes: winhttrack
is included |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x - 7x |
Bookmarks |
bookmark the current page with google bookmarks
menu entry: bookmarks>google
bookmark (key accelerator shift+g) |
extra notes: requires
gmail/google account. no longer supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x -1.6.x |
all Images NT |
Save all Images 9x |
saves all images and linked images in the current tab or window.
creates a subdirectory for each domain where the images will be
saved. subdirectory will be created in kmeleon save folder(same
folder used when you save an image or a website), in case folder
doesn't exist or path incorrect; @mydocuments directory will be
used. linked images will have an li- suffix.
menu entry: file>save
all images |
extra notes: this extension
has 2 versions. download the one that matches your OS. no longer
supported. |
versions supported: 1.1.x
- 1.5.x - 1.6.x |
Reader |
enables viewing FB2 fiction books inside k-meleon.
menu entry: file>open
fb2 |
extra notes: - |
versions supported: 7x |